Batman vs. Superman Batmobile Revealed

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First Photos of the Latest Batmobile from Batman versus Superman

Just released this week are the very first images of the newest version of Batman's main ride, the Batmobile. For the first time, we can see the latest stylings of this iconic car. And what we're seeing is a vehicle which stays in-line with the previous "Tumbler" version of the Batmobile seen in the Christopher Nolan's Batman triology.

What IS different this time around is the double-barreled guns mounted on the front hood of the vehicle. Wait a second... isn't Batman dead-set against the use of guns due to his parents having been killed by a gun?!? While the double-barreled guns may be a strange concept for true Batman fans, it's certainly not the first time a major comic book character element is being changed from the source material while making the translation from comic books to Hollywood.

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