9-Inch Mork from Ork Action Figure with Talking Spacepack from Mattel

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Mattel presents this 9-inch scale Mork from Ork action figure based on the likeness of Robin Williams as he appeared on the series Mork and Mindy. The Mork figure has a removable cloth uniform and features seven points of articulation including the neck, shoulders, groin, and knees.

Mork and Mindy Action Figures, Toys, and Collectibles

The Mork and Mindy television series ran on ABC from 1978-1982. Although the body of this figure has a date of 1973 stamped onto the back, this particular Mork figure was not released until 1979. Closer inspection of the head reveals a date of 1979 on the lower part of the back of the neck. Most likely, Mattel probably had older unused bodies available that they were able to use for this Mork and Mindy series.

Mattel included a talking spacepack with their 9-inch Mork figure. By pulling a cord on the spaceback, you would hear 1 of 8 Mork phrases including his trademark "Na-Nooh, Na-Nooh." Mork was placed inside of the window upside down to play off of the characters crazy humor style and habit of sitting on his head as part of his alien culture.

Although this figure leaves a lot to be diseried in the way of articulation, the head sculpt bears an incredible likeness to actor Robin Williams.

Back Story of the Mork from Ork 9-Inch Action Figure by Mattel

60,000,000,000 light years is a long way to go – to wind up in a loony-bin! Ever since that space-happy wanderer Mork from Ork fell to Earth, life has taken some zany turns for Mindy McConnell and her family – not to mention the rest of Boulder, Colordao.

The effects of his other-wordly antics have run the gamut from indigestion to jailbreak.

Now, earth-bound folks have a simple rule of thumb: If we can't make sense out of somebody, he must be crazy! So Mork suddenly finds himself in court – surrounded by a bunch of nimnuls – trying to prove that what seems zazbat on Earth is okey-doky on Ork!

Mattel Mork and Mindy Figures

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