Superwoman: DC Comics Super Villains Action Figure

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Superwoman DC Comics Super Villains Figure from DC Collectibles

DC Collectibles presents this 7-inch scale Superwoman action figure.

Inspired by the characters of DC Comics' parallel-Earth, the villainous members of the Crime Syndicate - Ultraman, Superwoman, Power Ring, and more-invade your home with these all-new DC Collectibles action figures based on designs by superstar artist David Finch!


The Superwoman Backstory

Counterpart to the mainstream Wonder WomanSuperwoman is the last Amazon in her reality. She possesses the strength and durability of Woman, and her golden lasso is configured to force a captive to divulge humiliating confessions. She assumes the guise of Lois Lane, assisted by her snitch Jimmy Olsen, a slavering pervert who keeps her secret in return for the opportunity to watch her disrobe from her civilian attire and change into her Superwoman costume. She openly despises her husband, Ultraman, and despite the latter’s violent objections she maintains an affair with Owlman. During the Crime Syndicate’s invasion of mainstream Washington, Superwoman quickly subjugates the White House staff. She is drawn to the site of Ultraman’s recent defeat at the hands of Martian Manhunter, attempting to seduce the latter. In the limited series Syndicate Rules, she makes the mistake of formally asking for the Justice League’s assistance against the rerouted Qwardian attack, causing the Crime Syndicate to lose face in the eyes of the subjugated Earth-2 populace.

Other Seven-Inch DC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Action Figures

Other DC Collectibles Crime Syndicate figures include a 7-inch Owlman action figure, a 7-inch Power Ring action figure, a 7-inch Ultraman action figure, a 7-inch Johnny Quick action figure, and a 7-inch Deathstorm action figure.

DC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Owlman FigureDC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Power Ring FigureDC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Ultraman FigureDC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Johnny Quick FigureDC Comics Super-Villains Crime Syndicate Deathstorm Figure

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